
Our Approach

Vade sets itself apart from the rest by using a one on one approach with all our clients.   Whether you're just starting out, or been in business since the dawn of time, we love working to meet your needs.

Our Story

Every business has a beginning,  Our roots are ingrained in online media and marketing potential.  Our team has over 27 years of experience in combined marketing oomph!

Meet the Team

These are the people behind Vade's Veil...


Linda Stevens

Founder & CEO

Linda loves snowboarding and telling people what to do


Kevin Reese

Vice President

Kevin wears multiple hats around our office, and we don't mean the British kind


Sean Marcus


Sean's finance background helps make sure our numbers make as much sense as your numbers

Next Steps...

Sign up to speak to a Vade rep today to discuss potential partnerships with your company.